Glimpses of a Visit to Aligarh
AMU as Seen by a Former Student
Dr. Abdullah’s Safarnama: Dr. Abdullah has recently returned from an extended visit to Dubai, India and Pakistan and recounts some highlights of his trip in the following section:
The convocations ceremony of the AMU held on February 27, 2016, in which honorary D.Sc. degrees were awarded to Mr. Frank Islam and Dr. Ashok Seth, was a spectacular show. Dr. Seth is a renowned cardiologist and an alumnus of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College of the AMU. The formal ceremony combined the traditional pageantry with an opportunity to showcase academic achievements. A detachment of horse riders in glittering uniforms drawn from the University’s riding school escorted the horse-drawn carriage carrying the chancellor, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen Zameer Uddin Shah, Mr. Frank Islam and Dr. Ashok Seth.
In his keynote address, Mr. Islam traced his life’s trajectory starting from his childhood in his native Azamgarh to his progression as a highly successful entrepreneur in the US. The address by Dr. Seth was delivered in an informal, spontaneous style and was much liked. The ceremony concluded on a learned, scholarly discourse by Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin.
The convocation ceremony was preceded by other related festivities. On Feb 25, Mr. Frank Islam, his family, and I attended a reception hosted by pro-chancellor, part of the foundation stone-laying ceremony of the School of Businesses. This complex is being built by contributions made by Aligarh Alumni. However, the major contribution of two million dollars was made by Mr. Frank Islam and his wife. The building will be named Frank and Debbie Islam Business Complex. My attendance at the 2016 convocation evoked nostalgia, and brought back memories of the ceremonies of years past, when I was a young student. I was pleased to observe that many noble traditions of my days were preserved at AMU.
Earlier, during a brief visit to Dubai, I attended a ceremony in which a memorandum of understanding was signed by Lt Gen (Ret) Zameeruddin Shah, VC of AMU and Prof Muthana G. Abdul Razzaq, President, American University of Emirate ( AUE). The AMU and AUE pledged cooperation in promoting research in Islamic studies and Islamic financing. The project was initiated by Mr. Frank Islam who sits on the Board of Trustee of AUE. The Aligarh Alumni Association of UAE, led by Mr. Dawood Ozair, Chairman Al Futtuim Group, hosted a reception and Sir Syed Memorial Lecture delivered by the Vice Chancellor.
During my trip to Delhi related to the medical treatment of my brother, I was privileged to be invited to attend some literary gatherings and recite my poetry. I participated in the Shankar-Shaad Mushaira, which dates back to pre-partition days. I was also invited to visit Rekhta Foundation in Greater Noida to record a couple of my poems. One whole floor of the Building is now occupied by the Rekhta foundation.
On a family-related visit to Karachi, Arif Raza who used to be my roommate at Morrison Court at Aligarh, arranged a reception where I met some 25 Aligarh “Old Boys,” including Poet Tariq Sabzwari. Later, Tariq took me to a live TV program, where a Ghazal singer and I hosted an hour program.
I returned home with many happy memories of my trip
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