Feeder / Coaching Center Project of Aligarh Alumni Association Washington DC
This program started in 2008. Since then over 4,000 students have benefited all over India.
OBJECTIVE: To provide free education to very poor, talented Muslim children at a minimal expense.
SCOPE: The Association manages two programs: Feeder Schools, and Coaching Centers.
A. Feeder: Rs.250/ student/month — 20 students/ school/ district – Grades 5th -12th. Total: Rs. 50,000/ school/year.
B. Coaching Center– coaching of 50-75 students from Grades 8th- 12th, after school hours.
Total: Rs. 100,000/ Center/ year.
OPERATION: Stipend on 6-monthly progress evaluation basis –a six-monthly Progress Report.
A local Alig, or a teacher/manager of a school, or a social activist in a particular district is the Incharge of a district institution (or Unit). In addition, a member (or a close associate) of Aligarh Alumni Association Washington DC is the Lead Contact of each of those Units.
Under this “Feeder/ Coaching Center” Project – currently, we are providing free education to about
1000 students in schools spread across many districts/states of India: UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Kashmir, Assam, W. Bengal, and Karnataka. Presently we manage 16 Feeder institutions (Units) and 9 Coaching Centers, spending approximately Rs. 12 Lakhs ($20,000) annually.
FUNDING: Funds are raised at an annual fundraising event of the Aligarh Alumni Association,
Washington DC, which is typically held at a Ramadan iftaar, and through a yearlong campaign. Your
Zakat money, your regular / any other form of donations, charity, etc. – all are critical in financing
these Educational Projects for these most needy Muslim children.
Checks should be written to: “Aligarh Alumni Association of Washington DC”— for “Feeder/Coaching Centers”, and mailed to the Association’s address; for those who are in India, Middle East, elsewhere and want to contribute through their Indian Bank account in Indian Rupees, donations in Rupees can be made and deposited in our State Bank of India (SBI) account in Aligarh, India — please ask us for the SBI Account number.
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Tariq Farooqi (Chair)
Fazal Khan
Khurshid Usmani
Masood Farshori
Abdullah Abdullah
Aslam Azad (President)
Mohammed Akbar (Secretary)
Ariena Rashid (Treasurer)
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